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E61i Update Firmware

E61i Update Firmware

Whoever thought this would happen? The presumed-forgotten Nokia E61i just received a firmware update from v2.0633 to v3.0633.69.00 (for unlocked Euro versions anyway, yours may vary slightly). [update] The E51 just got an update too, to v200.34.36, so NSU is most definitely your friend (E51 tip via the Symbian Blog)]

v3 update

Initial impressions are that v3 is faster in general. Of course, this is partly because the firmware update zapped the contents of the internal disk and everything's optimal, but I'd wager that there are some performance optimisations in place as well.


* Reading of SMS time stamp information unified between regions
* SMS sending from SIM Toolkit - Profile 07 improved
* Unicode Handling with Turkish characters corrected
* Correction to fetching email from freemail server
* Intellisync: Slowness of searching a contact for the first time corrected


* After the startup, the phone recognizes the language to use from the SIM card
* SMSC is re-read from SIM after switch on


* Improvement of co-operation of Gizmo VoIP client and Internet voice mailbox
* SIP Proxy Authentication corrected in outgoing call if two SIP profiles with same realm and user name


* Correction of Chinese word corruption with WAP browser
* Searching in Hebrew from portal corrected
* Wap GET/POST forms corrected when using Greek characters
* Reset during WAP browsing and MT calls corrected


* Operator name list updated
* Start-up settings updated
* Settings Wizard updated
* Start-up date changed to 1.1.2008
* Correction of DRMClock behaviour with NITZObserver with negative time zone values
* Localization improvements

Things that aren't here, btw, include Flash Lite 3, I'm guessing there's not enough oomph or RAM for this.

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